KLH Loudspeakers
I admit to having been truly surprised when a buddy of mine suggested I take a listen to the KLH loudspeakers. I told him, “We already have a plethora of good loudspeakers.” To which he replied, “not like these.”
Usually, it’s advised that stores don’t try to sell too many brands for fear of genuine confusion. Anybody who knows me understands that my product mix decisions are not based on “rules”. Rather, I will pull the trigger based on PASSION. If you’ve been here, you are aware of the fact that our little store (about 3000 square feet) is home to a lot of products, many of which compete directly with one another. Even so, any product that is here is special.
Anyway, I made a point to check them out. KLH’s Jeff Dano agreed to send me a pair of Model 5s for audition. It took no time for me to agree with my friend regarding the KLH Model 5s and the smaller two-way Model 3s. They’re sealed enclosures like the originals (I’ll discuss the advantages of “sealed” enclosures another time), but they’re not just a nostalgic return to the mid-60’s when Henry Kloss and his partners first made them available. They are wonderful, well balanced, and very attractive; and because of the incorporation of much better drivers, a real upgrade over the originals. You can choose between three different real wood finishes - English walnut, African mahogany and black-stained oak. We usually have the walnut and the mahogany on display.
Come by, and addition them. You will be impressed by the way they play music, but also by the way they look. It’s so cool to have KLH back!
KLH Model 3 in English Walnut